The Pajcast

All things related to infinity and Corvus Belli from my perspective. I play all flavours of Nomads and occationaly dabbel in other things.

Rising to the Challenge

Kategori: Infinity

In my last post I quickly summarized what I need for the event. Though I thought that it needs a bit of a further analysis.
I will go the way of the Samuari for this event and go with supporting the JSA Uprinsing to get the Banzai Bonus. +4" of deployment and always succeding on the initiative is great.
For the list i need all the troops that can dish out damage and survive in Annihilation and Safe Area, but I also need weapons that are good up to 32" as anything above that will miss in the special uprising mission. For this I am looking at Taskmasters, Riot Grrls, Tsyklones and Lunokhods for their armour, wounds and extra unconsious levels. Then Zeroes, Prowlers and Bran for Camo. The Moiras also deservs a special mention for their ODD and ARM combination.
Next up are specialists for the consoles for Safe area and antennas in Hunting Party, though for Hunting party you need to be carefull not to bring to many specialist to be hunted down. For safe area I only acctually need the specialists to connect the consoles, the classified will most likely be used as a intelcom card unless i draw two with really low values. For this I am mostly looking at Zeros as they are also really good for claiming quadrants raight of hte bat. Clockmakers are also good for removing immobilize in Hunting party. Riot Grrl, Prowler and Bran Specialist operative profiles are also considered in this.
Then comes the tricky part, I need Veterans, Elite and Headquarter troopes that get Adhesive launchers or Hackers that can Immobilize. E/M ammo is also i viable way to go, as is MULTI-weapons as they can immobilize in this scenario. Prowlers with adhesive launchers are veterans so will get a second one and thus Burst 2, which makes them a really obivous choice. Taskmasters are also veternas and already on my list of viable profiles for the other two missions. Sin-eaters are included here and since they are always burst one in active turn they don't really suffer. All the different reverends are elites and Moiras can link so would get to shoot twice with +3 MOD which is really nice, especially in tandem with their ODD. For MULTI-weapons the Riot Grrls and Moiras are the most interesting choices as they can link. MULTI-Snipers in Moderator and Moira links also seems kind of interesting, as is the Zero Multi Sniper.
The special rule for this mission is that one troopers will get the rules "Haredned in battle" and will count as a Veteran and thus get an Adhesive Launcher.
The Acctual Lists
For survivability and hitting power i went for a duo of SWAST Taskmasters, I admit the Rule of cool did matter alot for this. With four crazykoalas between them, a red fury, a heavy rocket launcher, a pulzar and a shotgun they can handle almost any threat. They are also less likely to be hacked as there is a Tinbot A with them. Then again this duo is 100 points and thus a third of my army.
Next up is a full AVA of Zeros, a Killer Hacker, a Minelayer and one with a Boarding shotgun. The hackers is both an infiltrating specialist and a way to save against hackers. The minelayer is nice for protecting my quadrants and put a dent in an advancing enemy plan. The shotgun is mostly for close range firefights.
One of my favourite profiles in this list is the Prowler Spitfire. A solid profile and a menace to handle.
I know there are two Combine players and I heard that one will play Yu Jing so I figured I will go first in some missions. The rest of the players seems to be going for the same bonus I am. Taking this into consideration iI went for a lieutenant option that has a high WIP and can hang back. NAmely the Custodier Hacker Plus. A bold choice in case I go second and get her killed with hacking. But the is what my killer hacker is for.
Still assuming I go first in some games I addin in Bran, the tripple Zero. I went for the boarding shotgun version as I want to use him as an aggressive attack piece.
Having a mere eight points left went for the flashpulse remote over the baggage one even though one mission is a quadrant mission. Mostly because I want the option of using it as a repeater, which is alot easier when you have a smaller siluette. And I also really like the Flashpulse as a ARO threat.
Netting me a list at 300 points on the dot and 6 SWC I feel satisfied that it will do what I want it do, i just need to play it right.

The Uprising

Kategori: Infinity

Going into a invitational only tournament with the missions from the narrative event I have started to look at lists for that. While doing this i would also like to try out lists with one combat group and just 10 orders as I usually play lists with around 15 orders. This is mainly in preparation of Tunguska when they drop as I am having a hard time seeing them playing lists with lots of orders.
I did a pull on facebook to see what i would play and it appears that Bakunin won. So now I am listbuidlning and teching for Bakunin. So my thought are all over the place right now.
First of all you need to side with either Yu Jing, JSA or the Combine army. While doing so you get a bonus dependent on which one you side with.
Yu jing getting +1 SWC to their total army points, meaning you can bring 7 in a mid tier list.
JSA gets automatic win on the initiative roll as long as the other player isn't bringing the same bonus. And also give you a bigger deployment zone with an additional 4" forward.
Combine army get +25 points to their lists.
Though these are all fine I will go for the lore one in this event as it is a narrative event I feel that JSA will get my support. So i will be building the list with that bonus in mind. I can think of a few tricks and approaches that will work in favour of that bonus.
Right, now I will go over the missions in the event and the twists to the missions. We are deciding to run the two optional games as causal games and run the three others in a event fachion. So on to the games themselves.
Annihilation is quite simple, you need to kill as much as possible and still retain as much as possible of your own army. In the narrative event you are restricted to 32" range on shooting. Meaning some weapons aren't going to be as good. Sniper rifles and Missile launchers being some examples.
Safe Area
For this mission you will need to dominate zones at the end of the game and control more concoles in those zones. The twist to this on is that it is played in an aquatic terrain, which in this mission means that models possessing Aquatic terrain or Multiterrain gain +1 to their first move value.
Hunting Party
This is a really wierd mission were some of your models gains Adhesive Launchers and/or stun pistols, your multi weapons gains stun ammo and you need to capture enemy models rather than killing them. In this narrative mission you get to nominate a troop profile that will get Adhesive launchers by making them count as veteran troops.
So for this even I will need sturdy models that can capture zones and survive. Troops that can survive annihilation while dishing out lots of punishment themselves. I will also need Elite, Veteran or Headquarter units to be able to hunt my enemies. 
For the other day we are playing the two optional missions which are Deadly Dance and on old favourite in the Armoury.

Next up is the Armoury which isn't in this season of the ITS but makes a omback in this event. You will need to dominate the room in the center of the table and gain more supplies from the panoplies inside the room. This mission ignore Retreat! as a twist.
Deadly Dance
For deadly dance you need to dominate a specific zones and this time it is every round and you gain a bonus for dominating your zone with a TAG. There is also a chanse/risk that the designated zones will shift. There is no additional twist to this one in this event.
Well this is it for this time. This post turned out pretty boring with alot of text but I hope the next one will be better. Next time will be list building for the event. Good competitive list for one day and goofy lists for the toher day.
Until next time. 
May you all roll lots of crits and may all your plans make contact with the opponent.

Next Up - SFG ITS Gävle-Dala Sommaren 2008

Kategori: Infinity

I don't know if you got this already but i really love to theory craft about the game. Both clever applications for rules and lists.
Have a smaller tournament coming up in two weeks i am already planning my list for that event. Had it been a 300 point event I would have brougt the tweaked version of the list I brought to Battle for Örebro. I know there isn't supposed to be an all comers list in Infinity but i believe that list comes close.
Well seeing as this new event is a 200 point event which is limited to one combat group I need to rethink the lists and approach. Even though i just bought a third faction i will stick to Corregidor for this.
So before I go into the lists I will be bringing there are a few missions I need to look at. The missions are Power pack, Supplies and one of my favourites, Hunting party.
I won't cover Supplies here as i just did that a few posts ago in preparation of Battle for Örebro.
Lets start with the less tricky of the two missions left. Namely Power Pack. I guess less tricky is an subjective statement but to me it is. But that is most likely because i have played power pack alot more than Hunting Party.
First of all, don't focus to much on the acctual layout of the map as the saturation zone is 16" across and the deployments are 16" each which means the saturation touches the deployment zones in reality even though the picture tells a different story.
The mission have a special kind of deployment with 16" deep and 12" wide deployments on either side of the table edge.
For this mission it is really important that you cover your back field as Infiltrators can set up in between the two depolyment zones and AD troops can arrive on the back edge or in between by dropping in.
This also means you can deploy your HVT at the back edge if you like as there is a 12" strip in the middle that is more than 4" from your deployment zone.
Next up, missions objectives, Across the center line are three antennas that needs to be activated and in the space in between once deployment zones are a consol that needs to be protected from the opponent.
Getting more activated antennas is worth 4 points and if you alos prevent the opponent from connection your console you have 5 points which should net you a victory. If you need to be sure make sure to complete your classified objective too for 6 points.
The only way to tie in that circumstance is to control the console with their datatracker and have prevented you from connecting their console. That is if they too have completed their classified objective.
For this mission I will focus on infiltration specilists for activation antennas. The bonus to activating antennas in this mission goes to chain of command and as Nomads have none I won't go further into that.
Going second in this mission i by far the better option if you play anything like I do. It mean you can grab the antennas and remove any one controling your consol in the last turn, ensuring a victory.
In this mission I will be looking at Bandit Specialists and Moran Masais for mission completion and then a AD troopers to take full advantage of the open back field.
If I do go for the console in the enemy backfield I will look for smoke to get there or even better eclipse to block everyone. Señor massacre is a favourit of mina and he fits in here too. As does the smoke from the jaguars in his link.
This mission has a much more common deployment in the 12" deep boardwide one. No exlusion zones and no saturation zone.
But just wait there will be a few odd interaction in this one despite its first appearance.
The mission in this one is the tricky part. First lets make the term huntering down clear to everyone. A specialist and lieutenant is concidered hunted down if they are Isolated or Immobilized -1 or -2. Killing the targets doesn't count towards the hunting and even makes it so you cant score that model. Oh Stun does Immobilize-1 instead of stun in this mission.
Furthermore, all models with a pistol gets a stun pistol, all MULTI-weapons get a stun mode and all Veteran/Elite/Headquarter trooprs get and adhesive launcher, meaning that troopers that already have one get another one and thus gets +1B.
This mission also have the lieutenant as open information and doesn't use the loss of lieutenant rule. Furthermore if your lieutenant is in a Null state, isolated or immobilized you designate a new one as per the noremal rules for loosing your lieutenant.
So to score and win this one you need to hunt down more Lieutenants and Specialists. As well as connectiong antennas. Getting four points for more lieutenants makes that a really appealing option. Though it will likely be an hard task. Hunting down more specialists is just 2 points.
For this mission I will look to connect the two antennas and then hunt specialists and do classified unless the lieutenant is really exposed.
Looking through the Army app for Veterans/Elite/Headquarter troops i noticed that Wildcats are veterans and in a link they seem really good. They get an adhesive launcher and a link option. Also if i make my lieutenant a Wildcat he has a BTS of 6 which helps to protect against Isolation.
Intuders are also a great option as they have a profile that already have an ADHL which increases their burst. Our last viable option is Hellcats. With Superior Combat jump and a profile with and ADHL they seem sweet for this. Brigadas are also an veteran option but at 200 points they seem a little to expensive. There are really no MULTI options that stick out to me as really appealing. The Alguacil Sniper is interesting but alas not good enough.
Apart from these options there are also the bandits that have an ADHL already. Even though they don't get another one they are quite good for this mission and any other mission for that matter if you ask me.
Another option that is vital in this mission is an engineer as they can remove both Isolation and Immobilization. This is an even stronger option if you go second as you can strip the effects from your troops in the last turn and ensur you get the desired results.
A special mention has to go out to the Bandit killer hacker as it has and ADHL and can hunt down enemy hackers trying to isolate your troopers.
In short i will be looking at Bandits, Hellcats, Wildcats, Jaguars and the Señor and an Enginner. Seems the list is almost written. Next time i will go into detail on the list i will bring to the event.

Battle for Örebro2 part 2

Kategori: Infinity


So I am building a list for the three missions I will be playing on saturday at the tournament in Örebro. Unmasking, Supplies and Capture and Protect.

This post will be a continuation on me previous post about the three missions.

To were i left of in that other post i will add in the top ranking profiles according to my analysis. A Killer hacker Bandit, a Moran Forward observer, a Lunokhod Remote, a Tomcat Doctor, Señor Massacre and McMurrough. This adds up to about half the list so I have some space to flesh it out.


After the initial force I needed an escort for Señor so I added a regular Jaguar and one with a Panzerfaust and Adhesive launcher. One for smoke and one for added utility and armor busting capabilities. This forms a Haris team as I don’t regularly field the Core team option.


With 8 models filling up about two thirds of the list and only granting 6 regular and 2 irregular orders I needed a few more cheap orders that can work if need be. For that I went for the link of Alguacils, both to add some orders but also add in a few more specialists. I also put my lieutenant in here to keep him/her safe and mostly in the back field of the battle. Being part of a 5 man link helps to survive with the added Sixth sense L2. I then upgraded one to a Forward observer and one to a paramedic.

Now adding up to 233 points I had 67 more to spend. I needed a model that adds a bit of a punch from afar more than a single Panzerfaust. For this I always look to Intruders. Most of the time I go for the HMG as more shots give better odds to clear out what I need to clear out. The sniper is really good too but I mainly bring that one for missions that forces me to have Anti-material. I also always add a Warcor since I believe him to be the best 3 points in the game. Even if he dies to the first order he does his job and distract the opponent from the more important elements.


With 22 points left I started looking into my list and what it is mission. I have the specialists for the missions. I have a few models that can punch hard and I have some utility but could use some more. The order pool adds up to 12 regular, 3 Irregular and 1 Impetuous.

Though a killer hacker can be really good sometimes I also need to be able to hack some remotes or HIs trying to get to my Beacon or supplies and consoles. For this reason I upgraded the Bandit Killer hacker to an Assault hacker instead.
Next up I thought about what I mentioned that speculative fire can be really strong in hunting hidden designated targets I upgraded one Alguacil to bring a light grenade launcher. I also upgraded the Paramedic to a Hacker for added benefit to the consoles in unmasking in case I need it. My paramedic usually kills my own models anyway. With only 9 points left I went for a cheap order and some extra range on my hacking in the form of a Transductor Zond.