Rising to the Challenge
Kategori: Infinity

In my last post I quickly summarized what I need for the event. Though I thought that it needs a bit of a further analysis.
I will go the way of the Samuari for this event and go with supporting the JSA Uprinsing to get the Banzai Bonus. +4" of deployment and always succeding on the initiative is great.
For the list i need all the troops that can dish out damage and survive in Annihilation and Safe Area, but I also need weapons that are good up to 32" as anything above that will miss in the special uprising mission. For this I am looking at Taskmasters, Riot Grrls, Tsyklones and Lunokhods for their armour, wounds and extra unconsious levels. Then Zeroes, Prowlers and Bran for Camo. The Moiras also deservs a special mention for their ODD and ARM combination.
Next up are specialists for the consoles for Safe area and antennas in Hunting Party, though for Hunting party you need to be carefull not to bring to many specialist to be hunted down. For safe area I only acctually need the specialists to connect the consoles, the classified will most likely be used as a intelcom card unless i draw two with really low values. For this I am mostly looking at Zeros as they are also really good for claiming quadrants raight of hte bat. Clockmakers are also good for removing immobilize in Hunting party. Riot Grrl, Prowler and Bran Specialist operative profiles are also considered in this.
Then comes the tricky part, I need Veterans, Elite and Headquarter troopes that get Adhesive launchers or Hackers that can Immobilize. E/M ammo is also i viable way to go, as is MULTI-weapons as they can immobilize in this scenario. Prowlers with adhesive launchers are veterans so will get a second one and thus Burst 2, which makes them a really obivous choice. Taskmasters are also veternas and already on my list of viable profiles for the other two missions. Sin-eaters are included here and since they are always burst one in active turn they don't really suffer. All the different reverends are elites and Moiras can link so would get to shoot twice with +3 MOD which is really nice, especially in tandem with their ODD. For MULTI-weapons the Riot Grrls and Moiras are the most interesting choices as they can link. MULTI-Snipers in Moderator and Moira links also seems kind of interesting, as is the Zero Multi Sniper.
The special rule for this mission is that one troopers will get the rules "Haredned in battle" and will count as a Veteran and thus get an Adhesive Launcher.
The Acctual Lists

For survivability and hitting power i went for a duo of SWAST Taskmasters, I admit the Rule of cool did matter alot for this. With four crazykoalas between them, a red fury, a heavy rocket launcher, a pulzar and a shotgun they can handle almost any threat. They are also less likely to be hacked as there is a Tinbot A with them. Then again this duo is 100 points and thus a third of my army.
Next up is a full AVA of Zeros, a Killer Hacker, a Minelayer and one with a Boarding shotgun. The hackers is both an infiltrating specialist and a way to save against hackers. The minelayer is nice for protecting my quadrants and put a dent in an advancing enemy plan. The shotgun is mostly for close range firefights.
One of my favourite profiles in this list is the Prowler Spitfire. A solid profile and a menace to handle.
I know there are two Combine players and I heard that one will play Yu Jing so I figured I will go first in some missions. The rest of the players seems to be going for the same bonus I am. Taking this into consideration iI went for a lieutenant option that has a high WIP and can hang back. NAmely the Custodier Hacker Plus. A bold choice in case I go second and get her killed with hacking. But the is what my killer hacker is for.
Still assuming I go first in some games I addin in Bran, the tripple Zero. I went for the boarding shotgun version as I want to use him as an aggressive attack piece.
Having a mere eight points left went for the flashpulse remote over the baggage one even though one mission is a quadrant mission. Mostly because I want the option of using it as a repeater, which is alot easier when you have a smaller siluette. And I also really like the Flashpulse as a ARO threat.
Netting me a list at 300 points on the dot and 6 SWC I feel satisfied that it will do what I want it do, i just need to play it right.