The Acctual Battle for Örebro2
Kategori: Battle reports
For the first pairing I was matched of with Christian who brought Swalarheim premade lists from the ITS pack. I deployed on the top right side in the picture.
In the game he took positions across the board and revealed my center HVT to be the right one in his first turn. At this point I was starting to get nervous.
I tried to counter as best I could and revealed the one HVT I though was obvious and I was right. My opponent telling me he was going for a double dare. I got played here as a bandit went for the HVT but was interrupted by a successful armor save from the HVT and a mine placed by a TO trooper.
He further cemented his position at the designated target with his Jotum on the second turn and activated his second console.
This is where the game turned around for me. My intruder HMG on top of a tall building to two bursts at the Jotum, getting three critical hits and dropping the massive TAG, opening up the left flank for my linked team of Alguacils who walked up and dropped a grenade from speculative fire on the designated target with my DataTracker. I then got to drop a grenade on his DataTracker who got critically hit to and died.
He dropped my designated target but eventually lost his second console to me. Adding up the points I got three pls two points from killing the designated target with my DataTracker. Then two more for having more consoles activated and finally one more for having my DataTracker alive at the end of the game. He got three for killing my designated target. Turning what I though was a loss into a major victory for Corregidor with a 8-3 result.
For my second game a got paired up with Arvid and his Vanilla Panoceania. My oppoenent won the WIP roll this game to. He chose to go first and I put him on the least beneficial side deploying first. He got the top side on the picture and i deployed closest to the camera.
He was using a lot of TO troopers and I spend a good portion of his deployment phase watch other players setting up. He had a good cover with a HMG and slot of specialists hidden near the supplies. I set up with an even spread across the field with an infiltration specialist at both the side supplies. The game was pretty even all the way to the end were he had two supplies and I have one when Señor massacre ran across the board to beat up an order sergeant and securing a supply netting me two.
At the end of the game I had two points for my supply boxes, Three for having more boxes and an additional two for completing both my classified objectives. My opponent had one for his supply box and one for a classified resulting in a 7-2 victory for the Corregidor with my second major victory.
For my third game I was up against the only other player who had 6 tournament points. Tuomas and his Ariadna. It was now time for one of my least favorite missions. This time I actually won the WIP roll for initiative and had a hard time deciding what to do. Eventually setting up second on the side of my choice. My opponent then electing to go first. I chose the top right side and he got the bottum left.
Before the game we both had a look at the opposition and the tie breakers for the tournament so we both knew what it would take to win the event.
Tuomas played aggressively all game and had me react to his play all game long. I believe this was mostly because he needed a win in this game to win the event, I needed a win or a 4-4 or better draw to win the event.
The game was pretty one sided in regards to casualties as I had about 100 points left and my opponent had more than 200 left. I finished my classified objective a couple of times as my Tomcat doctor patched up McMurrough quite a few times during the game. My opponent who also had the experimental drug classified spent around 6 orders trying to get his 112 across the board and on top of a tall building to heal a Zouaves who he accidently killed instead.
During his last turn my opponent went all in on my beacon which I had covered by the Señor Massacre Haris link and a Moran perched in a building. He ended his turn in possession of my beacon but still standing where he had picked it up. With Four orders in the order pool containing my now lone jaguar and the Moran, killing the Foxtrot wasn’t a problem and as he dropped it the game was set.
I finished up by killing a HMG trooper and forfeiting the rest of the orders.
Both of us had managed to prevent the opponent from getting our beacon for three points and I got another point from my classified, resulting in a narrow 4-3 victory for Corregidor and ensuring a first place in the whole event. Even though i hear that COrregidor isn't that good i like them alot. I am looking to improve on my list but so far i am reallt pleased with it.